
b. 1986, HK.


I design for experiences. And I love to make things better.

I currently live and work as a User Experience designer in Seattle.

I grew up in a city called Nasik, very close to Mumbai in India. Both my parents being doctors, growing up, it was easy for me to not choose medicine as a field of study. It is super difficult. But the one thing about their work that stuck with me was - doing good for people. With a natural inclination towards digital technology and building things to make life easy, I studied Computer Science as my undergraduate degree. But it was only during the two years of working as a front-end developer after graduating, that I realized something about myself - I wanted to solve problems for people. With a little bit of research, I had a strong feeling of what I wanted to do. A master’s program in Human Computer Interaction at the University of Michigan, helped me build a solid foundation in User Experience design. Since then, I have been thinking, reading, writing, and talking about design. I love my work, because I think I am doing good for people.